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Let´s begin with the bottom part. We do not know for sure who these sculptures represent, so they are not able to say anything but I will inform you that there are two Roman warriors looking at the inside of the Arch. They are surrounded by flower and laurel decorations. They have a beard, which was very fashionable at that moment of history, and we asume they were portraits of important people of the city.

In the second body, there are six characters inside their adorned holes and they have their corresponding inscription just under them.

In the centre of the lower part of this body, Count Diego Rodriguez Porcelos is represented:

Saint Mary's Arch

Below we show you in detail the history and the characters that appear in the Saint Mary's Arch.


Night view of the Saint Mary's Arch
Inside view of the Arch


Now let me tell you about the Arch structure.

  • The outside facade is divided into three sections, three bodies and three streets.

  • The back facade, simple, dates from the 14th century. In it, there is a Stone gallery under the roof, sustained by a wood support.

  • The central street consists of three bodies.

Central street of the arch ​
Inside view of the Arch
Night view of the Saint Mary's Arch
Central street of the arch
Third body highlighted
Third body highlighted


Location of Medallones
Location of Medallones
Location of the statue of Diego Porcelos
Location of the statue of Diego Porcelos

Diego Rodríguez Porcelos

Dear visitors, I am Count Diego Rodriguez Porcelos. You may call me Diego Porcelos. For me it is an honour to be in this part of the arch.

My accomplishments make me deserve it. I founded this city in the year 884. I was Count of Castille after my father´s death.

His name was Rodrigo de Castille. I fought the muslims, consolidating the frontier at Ebro valley, where I managed to expel the muslims and restock it with Christians.

Burgos was born then but let´s go back to the arch. I am wearing an armour and I carry a sword and a shield. Under me, you may see an inscription in Latin

Now to your left, you can contemplate the sculpture of the illustrious Nuño Rasura. Le´s know his story…

Nuño Rasura

Dear visitors:

I am Nuño Rasura, a legendary figure of the County of Castille, one of the judges of Castille that the castllians chose, together with Lain Calvo, in the year 842, to solve their pleas, avoiding this way to go to the court in León. I was the civil magistrate.


My name Nuño or Nunius comes from Latin “Nonnu”, which means “respectable”.


My origin is unknown but some references point at me as “Count of Alava”.


My sculpture is dressed with civil clothes and a control rod in my hand.


There is an inscription in Latin under my figure: NVNIO RASURE CIVI SAPIENTISS /CIVITATIS CLIPEO which means: “To Nuño Rasura, a very wise man, shield of the city”.


As you may see, to the right of Diego Porcelos, is located the sculpture of my good friend Laín Calvo. You may have heard from him.

Location of the statue of Nuño Rasura
Location of the statue of Nuño Rasura
Location of the statue of Laín Calvo
Location of the statue of Laín Calvo

Laín Calvo

Dear audience, I, Laín Calvo, was the second judge of the county of Castille in the 9th century. I was chosen by Castillians to solve their pleas. I was commissioned the military magistrature.

My name Laín, in Latin Laynus or Flaginus, was a very common name in the primitive Castille from the north part of the river. I was in charge of war issues and very Little is known about my life. I was born around the year 798 in Villalaín, Burgos.

I had a very strong character and very combative temperament. The exact date of my death is not known for sure but it may have been around 870. According to the legend, I am buried in the Romanic Little church of Santa Maria del Torrentero, a village that belonged to Villalaín.


Like Nuño Rasura, my clothes are civil like, which is due to my condition as a judge. I also carry a control rod in my hand. Under my statue, you will see a text in Latin: LAINO CALVO FORTIS CIVI / GLAIDO GALLE Q(UE) CIVITATIS. This means “Laín Calvo, strong citizen, sword and shield of the city”.


To me it is an honour to introduce you to the illustrious characters on the above floor. Around Emperor Carlos, who is in the central niche, Fernán González and El Cid Campeador are placed, both with their armours and swords. They are wearing a robe. Let´s begin with Carlos I.

As you may understand, this arch was built to commemorate my visit to this remarkable city and, therefore, my statue occupies a privileged place. In it, I am carrying my imperial attributes such as my crown and the globe. I was born in Gante, Belgium, in 1500 and I died in The Monastery of Yuste, in 1558, although my remains were moved to The Monastery of Escorial.

About myself, I will tell you that I was grandson to the Catholic King and Queen. I inherited from them the crowns of Castille and Aragón, with their respective possessions in America and the Mediterranean, and in 1516, at the early age of sixteen, I became King of Spain with the name of Carlos I.

In 1520, at the age of twenty, after the death of my grandfather on my father´s side, the Emperor Maximiliano I from Habsburgo, I was named King of Germany. That´s why I am known as King Carlos I from Spain and Carlos V from Germany.

Under my reign, Spain became the first world potency, the arts and culture began their Golden Period and the largest colonial empire seen to that day was created.


(To Carlos V, great emperor of Romans, august, galic, German, African, King invincible.)

I will tell you that the term “African” is due to my conquer of Túnez in 1535. As you can see, I conquered all the territories within my reach, and that´s why I´m holding the ball of the world.

To your left Fernán González appears to my side because he was a very important person to the noble city of Burgos.

Carlos V

Location of the statue of Carlos V
Location of the statue of Carlos V

Fernán González

Welcome, dear visitors, I am Fernán González, warrior citizen and great authority from Burgos.

I am a member of the influential figure of the Lara, and this helped me to become an important noble. There is not much to say about my childhood but in my youth I fought many battles.

I conquered important territories in the east part of the reign and I was named Count of Castille in 930.


I married Sancha, a beautiful woman who was the sister of the King of a Navarra. After Ramiro II´s death, I got the reign of León and that way I could become direct inheritor of the independent county of Castille. After my death, in 970, my son García Fernández inherited all my titles, territories and belongings.


Apart from being an important warrior, I was also the inspiration for many poems and tales from the 13th century onwards, such as “The Poem of Fernán González” written in Alexandrine verses.


Let me tell you that my Latin inscription reflects my personality to perfection: FERNAN GONZALEZ FORTISS CIVICE LLORUM / FULGURI ET FULMINI. It means ”Fernán González, the strongest citizen, thunder and lightning of war”.

Let me introduce you to the statue of the most noble and handsome warrior you have ever seen, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. Look at his size and elegance…

Location of the statue of Fernán González
Location of the statue of Fernán González

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el "Cid"

God save you all, dear noblemen, I, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, was a Castillian gentleman and warrior, son of Diego Laínez, distant relative of the legendary Laín Calvo, judge of Castille.

I was an orphan since I was very young and I was brought up with the infant Sancho, son of the King Fernando I from Castille and León and, when my good friend Sancho access to the throne, he names me royal ensign.

Tradition says that my birthplace was Vivar del Cid, 10 km away from Burgos.

Around 1066, my prestige was remarkably enlarged due to my victory over the gentleman Jimeno Garcés, in relationship with the control of some castles at the frontier which the monarchs of Castille and Navarra argued about. My triumph was the reason for my name, Campeador.

My other name, el Cid, comes from Arabian “sid” (mister) and it comes thanks to the help I gave the Muslim King from Zaragoza Al- Muqtadir, in the fight he sustained over the territories in Cataluña

Location of the statue of El Cid
Location of the statue of El Cid

In 1089, a quarrel with Alfonso VI ended in my final exile from Castille. I was unfairly accused of treason by the King. In 1094, I entered Valencia and conquered the city. I reunited with my dearest wife Jimena and in 1099 I left this world, even though I will be always remembered for my brave battles.

Under me you can read an inscription in Latin which says:


(To Cid Ruy Diaz, a hard-working man, threat and terror to Muslims /Arabs)


Thanks to Cid´s courage, stronghold and nobleness, he becomes a legend character, and in the 13th century, an anonymous poem is written and this poem tells about heroic doings inspired in the last years of life of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, his exile and his leaving the city of Burgos through Saint Mary´s Door. Let me recite it for you:

“He is setting aside, through Burgos at nice speed he went through,

He arrives at Santa Maria, from his horse he dismounts,

He kneels down on the floor and from his heart he begged.

When he finished his prayer, El Cid mounts his horse again,

He leaves the walls, The Arlanzón River he crossed”

In the central area of this body there is The Guardian Angel. He is not a historic character but he occupies a remarkable place in the arch. That´s why I´m going to talk about him:


Ángel Custodio

God bless all the visitors and citizens of Burgos. I, The Guardian Angel, symbolize a server and messager from God. I am the angel destined to every person for protection. Now I´m here to protect the city of Burgos.

I am situated under the arch in a niche. In my right hand I´m carrying a Little model of the city. I look represented with an armour.


My presence in this arch is explained by the fact that the arch is a military defense and I, the guardian angel, am the defensor so that I´m wearing an armour and the people in Burgos know that I´m brave enough to carry out this mission.

Location of the statue of Ángel
Location of the statue of Ángel


Dear visitors, we are “Los Maceros”. We are citizens who walk in front of the town hall parades and we are wearing an old uniform, carrying a club in our hands.


We are included in the arch because we represent the city of Burgos. We are popular characters in the city and you will be able to see us in the local festivities, San Pedro and San Pablo together with other typical characters of the city.


It is an honour for us to introduce you to the figure at the top of the arch: Virgin Mary, protector of the city, who gives her name to this famous arch you are now contemplating.

Location of the statues of Maceros
Location of the statues of Maceros
Location of the statue of Virgin Mary
Location of the statue of Virgin Mary

Welcome, I am Virgin Mary, protector of the city of Burgos.

All the people in this city know me and venerate me, I represent the soul of the city.


I am located in a Little temple in the upper part next to my son Jesus. We are the protectors of this fabulous building. I do not need an inscription, all the citizens in Burgos know who I am and my image represents the religious side of Christianism with a cross in the upper part.


Dear visitors, God keep you safe from every harm.

To finish with our visit, we need to mention two shields in the body of the upper part. They represent the army in Burgos.

Virgin Mary

Fernán González (founder of the County of Castille) and my husband Rodrigo Diaz, El Cid, are represented next to the Emperor, almost to the same level, even though the placement for Carlos V is a little bit higher.

Lain Calvo and Nuño Rasura are both judges and their presence is symbolic. They represent equity and justice.

All the sculptures were made by Ochoa de Arteaga and were placed in the Arch in 1553.

We are going to analyse the sculptures, from bottom to top.

You may check that this is not only the most important entrance door to the city but also one in which the different characters which are represented there are able to come to life and tell you about their story.

I can tell you that it was built between the XIV and XV centuries, with the shape of a robust tower with distinguishing military traits, and it was reformed between 1536 and 1553 due to the visit that Emperor Carlos paid to the city of Burgos in 1520. After that event, the Town Council decides to build a commemorative arch to magnify the entrance to the city. The design of the Arch is requested to Felipe Vigarny, but, from the beginning of the works, many problems will stop the construction of the arch. After several quarrels and disagreements, the building of this arch will be asked to an unknown artist. In this second project, the decorative motifs and sculpture characters are established.

The old door was demolished under the direction of Francisco de Colonia and two directors were chosen, Juan de Vallejo and Francisco de Colonia. The door is made with the typical local white stone which comes from Hontoria de la Cantera. The Arch was finished in 1553. Since then, the Arch has had different uses over time, including a prison, a location for the town hall or even a local museum.

Listen to me, I am Mrs Jimena Ruiz, wife of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, also known as “El Cid Campeador”.

When my husband was exiled by the King Alfonso VI in 1801, I was imprisoned with my children but I did not despair. I knew that one day my husband and I could continue carrying out great things.

As soon as I was free, I reunited with my husband, who was conquering Valencia, and we were finally forgiven by the King.

As you can see, we are located opposite one of the entrances of the city of Burgos: Saint Mary’s Arch, which is one of the most representative spotlights of the city. Burgos was a noble villa. This door communicated the city with Saint Mary’s Bridge, which crossed Arlanzón River, and through which you could get to Saint Fernando Square, where the Cathedral is placed. Saint Mary´s Arch is a cover for the original entrance door to the city.

The general view of the arch is that of a fortress. The reasons for this kind of building and its triumph character fit with the Renaissance idea of anthropocentricism, magnifying the great men in history.

In Saint Mary´s Arch, every character is located there for a particular reason. This door not only honours Carlos V, but also the founders of Burgos and Castille.

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